Thursday, March 14, 2013

Real Estate Investing Super System

Are you Feeling Overwhelmed With Real Estate Investing?

Real Estate Investing has become so complicated with all the new Federal Rules and the competition in the local markets.  It's a major undertaking to learn the best ways to participate in the Real Estate Investing game.  

We all know that you can't invest in Real Estate if you don't have seller leads.  And once you find that elusive seller that will take 40 cents on the dollar, you need to have a buyer lined up.  That buyer may come from a referral investor or from the internet.  And finally, you need a title company that will work with you on your contracts whether you are double closing or assigning that contract. 

That's a lot of people to keep straight during negotiations through closing. Finally there's a system that will keep them straight for you and that's just the tip of the iceberg as far as the functionality of this software.

Here are some vital tools and they are being offered all under one package.  This new super system is going to set the real estate investing world on end. 

Mobile Management:

You are finally getting the hang of Real Estate Investing and building your lists but you can't keep track of all those buyers and sellers on your cell phone contact list.  With this software, there is no more searching for the list of all your Buyers, Sellers, Lenders and all those other important people in your team. You will have 24/7 access to that list without having to be at your laptop every second of the day. 

Instant Seller Leads Daily:

No matter the type of sellers you look for, i.e. pre-foreclosure, REO, FSBO, etc. you will have access to over 1.4 million motivated sellers and can make an offer on that fabulous property you found with just a click of the mouse. 

No more faxing over offers, waiting on Real Estate Agents to figure out if you are legit or not and going back and forth until you are so frustrated with the deal that you walk away.  The software keeps you on track with your offers and which deals need your attention on a daily basis.  That's like having a secretary at your disposal 24 hours a day. 

Cash Buyer Leads On-Demand:

Do you want to know who the over 2 million wealthy landlords and investors are that could buy your property?  Now you can contact them with one click. Send that fabulous deal to those buyers and then use the system to follow up with them.  Why should you have to constantly take time away from your family to follow up on those deals that are obviously just days from closing because they are too good to pass up? 

Sexy Website For Your REI Business:

You are going to need a way for new sellers, buyers, lenders, etc. to contact you.  This software creates that sexy website for you.  Just pick a domain name and you are just minutes from launching your own awesome website that will explain exactly what you do and how people can work with you.  And, of course, everyone wants to work with you because you are awesome and sexy!

Introducing FreedomSoft4 - The answer to all your real estate investing dreams. 

This is just a couple things that FreedomSoft4 is set up to do for you.  And you get it try it for FREE for the first 30 days.  That's plenty of time to make a bunch of moola and then that low monthly maintenance fee won't even be a drop in the bucket compared to what you are getting out of the system. 

So, sign up today for early notice and get the awesomeness you deserve.

Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials.

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